Formal Methods in Software Development (WS 2024/25)
Section outline
326.013, Friday 8:30-11:00, Start: October 4, 2024, MT 226
This course is offered simultaneously for the master program "Computer Science" and for the master program "Computational Mathematics". It gives a survey on the use of formal methods for the development of reliable software. More specifically, we deal with
- specifying sequential programs and concurrent systems,
- computer-supported verification,
- extended static checking,
- model checking.
The course consists of two parts:
- a lecture part where the fundamental issues of the field are taught, and
- an exercise part where practical skills are trained using freely available software tools.
The grading of the course will be based on a couple of exercises and a final exam.
You have to create an account in this Moodle instance (using your email address) and self-register as a course participant (link "Enrol me in this course" at the top). You are then able to submit your assignments; furthermore, you receive per email all messages posted in the "Announcements" forum and may yourself post messages in the "Questions and Answers" forum.
As an extra service, it is intended to live-stream and record the course via the following Zoom session:
Meeting ID: 935 3873 6451 Password: formalHowever, no guarantee is given with respect to completeness and quality of the stream/recordings. The basic course format is on-site, not hybrid. -
The following is a preliminary schedule of the lecture:
- October 4: introduction and organization, the language of logic.
- October 11: the RISC Algorithm Language, specifying and verifying.
- October 18: specifying and verifying.
- October 25: specifying and verifying.
- November 8: the art of proving, the RISC Theorem Proving Interface.
- November 15: specifying and verifying.
- November 22: the Java Modeling Language (part 1).
- November 29: extended static checking of Java programs with ESC/Java2.
- December 6: verifying Java programs with KeY.
- December 13: the Java Modeling Language (part 2).
- December 20: modeling concurrent systems.
- January 10: specifying in temporal logic, verifying safety properties.
- January 17: the Spin model checker, automatic model checking.
- January 24: (no lecture)
- January 31: exam
Exercises and Software RISCAL Software and Models - Computer Programs/Systems as Subject of Formal Reasoning
- Introduction (4 on 1)
- Fehler im System: der Traum von Software ohne Bugs (restricted)
- Retrospective: Hoare: An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming (restricted)
- Formal Methods: Practice and Experience (local copy)
- Formally Verified Software in the Real World (restricted)
- Formal Methods in Dependable Systems Engineering (local copy)
- The Development and Deployment of Formal Methods in the UK (local copy)
- A manifesto for applicable formal methods (local copy)
- Demonstration Examples
- Logic, Checking, and Proving (4 on 1)
- Introduction (4 on 1)
- Specifying and Verifying Sequential Programs
- Specifying and Verifying Java Programs
- The Java Modeling Language: Part 1 (4 on 1)
- Behavioral Interface Specification Languages (restricted)
- Specification and Verification: The Spec# Experience (restricted)
- The Frama-C Software Analysis Platform (restricted)
- Demonstration Examples
- Extended Static Checking with ESC/Java 2 (4 on 1)
- Verifying Java Programs with KeY (4 on 1)
- The Java Modeling Language: Part 2 (4 on 1)
- The Java Modeling Language: Part 1 (4 on 1)
- Specifying and Verifying Concurrent Systems
The password to this area is handed out by a forum message.
- Computer Programs/Systems as Subject of Formal Reasoning
The following software is used in this course (how to use the software):
- RISC Algorithm Language (RISCAL)
- RISC Theorem Proving Interface (RISCTP)
- Java Modeling Language (JML) (original tools not any more available)
- Local copy of original tools (works with Java 5)
- OpenJML (latest release V0.8.59 works with Java 8, there is also an alpha release V0.21.0 for Java 21)
- Extended Static Checking for Java (ESC/Java 2)
- Local copy (works with Java 5)
- KeY Verification Environment
- Tutorial (local copy), More Tutorials and Examples
- Spin Model Checker
8 exercises are handed out. From these, the best 7 are used for grading (in total 350 points have to be earned).
Due: Monday, 28 October 2024, 11:59 PM
Due: Monday, 18 November 2024, 11:59 PM
Due: Monday, 25 November 2024, 11:59 PM
Due: Monday, 9 December 2024, 11:59 PM
Due: Monday, 16 December 2024, 11:59 PM
Due: Monday, 6 January 2025, 11:59 PM
Due: Monday, 13 January 2025, 11:59 PM
Due: Monday, 27 January 2025, 11:59 PM
The final exam must be passed positively; it accounts for 50% of the course grade.
- 2nd Exam: Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 17:15-18:45, S5 101
- Registration in KUSSS by Monday, March 24, 2025, 12:00.
- The exam is open book: all written/printed (non-electronic) materials are allowed.
- Registration in KUSSS by Monday, March 24, 2025, 12:00.
Sample Exam File PDF
- 2nd Exam: Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 17:15-18:45, S5 101