Formal Methods in Software Development (WS 2015/16)
Section outline
Friday 8:30-11:45, Room: S2 053, Start: October 9, 2015
Important: To take part in the course, you have to enrol in the KUSSS system.The course is offered simultaneously as- KV3/326.013 (for the master program "Software Engineering") and
- KV4/326.053 (for the master program "Computer Mathematics").
Please enrol for the course intended for your degree program.
This course gives a survey on the use of formal methods for the development of reliable software. More specifically, we deal with
- specifying sequential programs and concurrent systems,
- computer-supported verification,
- extended static checking,
- model checking.
Furthermore, a guest lecture by Janos Sztrik (University of Debrecen) will give an introduction on
- queueing theory and its application to the performance analysis of computing systems.
The course consists of two parts:
- a lecture part where the fundamental issues of the field are taught, and
- an exercise part where practical skills are trained using freely available software tools.
The grading of the course will be based on a couple of exercises and a final exam.
Since the exercises will be submitted via Moodle, you also have to login in Moodle and register as a course participant. You will then also receive per email all messages posted in the News forum and may yourself post messages in the Questions and Answers forum.
The schedule is tentative and may be modified.
Lectures in italics are mandatory for KV4 students but also strongly recommended to KV3 students.
- October 9: introduction and organization, logic and proving.
- October 16: the RISC ProofNavigator, specifying and verifying (part 1).
- October 23: specifying and verifying (part 2).
- October 30: specifying and verifying (part 3), the RISC ProgramExplorer.
- November 6: exponential distribution and its properties, poisson process, Markov chains, etc. (Sztrik).
- November 10 (8:30-11:45, S2 Z74): Markov-type queueing systems (M/M/1, M/M/n/n, M/M/1//n) and their investigations. (Sztrik).
- November 13: modeling tools, retrial queueing systems, case studies. (Sztrik).
- November 20: the RISC ProgramExplorer.
- November 27: JML (part 1), ESC/Java2.
- December 4: ESC/Java2, the Key Verifier.
- December 11: JML (part 2), modeling concurrent systems.
- December 18: specifying in temporal logic.
- January 15: the Spin model checker.
- January 22: automatic model checking.
- Computer Programs/Systems as Subject of Formal Reasoning
- Introduction (4 on 1)
- Fehler im System: der Traum von Software ohne Bugs (restricted)
- Retrospective: Hoare: An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming (restricted)
- Formal Methods: Practice and Experience (local copy)
- Demonstration Examples
- Logic and Proving (4 on 1)
- Specifying and Verifying Sequential Programs
- Specifying and Verifying Programs: Part 1 (4 on 1)
- Specifying and Verifying Programs: Part 2 (4 on 1)
- Specifying and Verifying Java Programs
- The Java Modeling Language: Part 1 (4 on 1)
- Behavioral Interface Specification Languages (restricted)
- Specification and Verification: The Spec# Experience (restricted)
- Extended Static Checking with ESC/Java 2 (4 on 1)
- Verifying Java Programs with KeY (4 on 1)
- The Java Modeling Language: Part 2 (4 on 1)
- Proof of Correctness of Data Representations (restricted)
- Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software (COST Action IC0701)
- Demonstration Examples
- Specifying and Verifying Concurrent Systems
- Modeling Concurrent Systems (4 on 1)
- Specifying and Verifying System Properties (4 on 1)
- Model-Checking Concurrent Systems (4 on 1)
- Abstrakte Kunst: Fehler finden durch Model Checker (restricted)
- Talking Model Checking Technology (restricted)
- ClientServer.txt
- Queueing Theory and its Application to the Performance Analysis of Computing Systems (Janos Sztrik)
The password to this area is handed out in class.
The following software is used in this course (how to use the software):
- RISC ProofNavigator
- RISC ProgramExplorer
- Java Modeling Language (JML) tools
- Use the stable release 5.5 from the archive (not the newer release candidates); also note that the JML tools need an installation of Java 1.4.2.
- Documentation
- OpenJML
- Extended Static Checking for Java (ESC/Java 2)
- KeY Verification Environment
- Spin Model Checker
10 exercises are handed out. From these 10 exercises,
- KV3: the best 7 are used for grading (in total 350 points have to be achieved),
- KV4: the best 8 are used for grading (in total 400 points have to be achieved, 1 exercise must be from the part of Sztrik).
The final exam must be passed positively; it accounts for 50% of the course grade.
- 2nd Exam: Tuesday, April 5, 17:15-18:45, HS 11:
- To take part, you have to register for the exam in the KUSSS system (course 326.013 for all participants) from March 1 to Monday, April 4, 12:00.
- 2nd Exam: Tuesday, April 5, 17:15-18:45, HS 11: