Formal Models for Parallel and Distributed Systems (SS 2009)
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Section outline
Formal Models for Parallel and Distributed Systems (326.076, SS 2009)
Time: Monday, 8:30-10:00, T041.
Start: March 2, 2009.
This course deals with the formal modeling and specifying of concurrent systems such as parallel or multi-threaded programs, distributed hardware and software systems, mobile systems, and the like. We will discuss some of most important developments in this area:
- Lamport's Temporal Logic of Actions (TLA) on which the specification language TLA+ is based,
- Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) which was the origin of many parallel languages,
- Milner's Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) for modeling communication and concurrency, and
- Milner's pi-Calculus which also models mobility.
To take part in the course, you have to enrol in the KUSSS system. If you also login in Moodle and register as a course participant, you will receive per email all messages posted in the News forum.
- Lamport's Temporal Logic of Actions (TLA) on which the specification language TLA+ is based,
The Temporal Logic of Actions (TLA)
- Leslie Lamport: Introduction to TLA
- Leslie Lamport: Specifying Concurrent Systems with TLA+
- The Temporal Logic of Actions I
- The Temporal Logic of Actions II
- Leslie Lamport: The Temporal Logic of Actions
- Leslie Lamport: Specifying Systems (Amazon page).
- Leslie Lamport: Introduction to TLA
Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP)
- Nondeterminism and Parallelism (protected)
- C.A.R. Hoare: Communicating Sequential Processes (paper)
- C.A.R. Hoare: Communicating Sequential Processes (book)
Software related to CSP (not used in this course): FDR2 refinement checker, ProBE animator, CSP type checker.
The Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS)
- The Calculus of Communicating Systems
- Luca Aceto et al: Reactive Systems: Modeling, Specification, and Verification
- Robin Milner: Communication and Concurrency (Amazon page)
- FSP Quick Reference
- Concurrency: State Models and Java Programs
- FSP Language Specification (restricted)
- Processes (restricted)
- Concurrency (restricted)
The pi-Calculus
- The pi-Calculus (Part 1) (4 on 1)
- The pi-Calculus (Part 2) (4 on 1)
- Elements of Interaction (protected)
- Robin Milner: The Polyadic pi-Calculus: a Tutorial
- Robin Milner: Communicating and Mobile Systems: the pi-Calculus (Amazon page)
- M. Carbone et al: Structured Global Programming for Communication Behaviour
- From the pi4soa project
Course Software
I recommend to download the VirtualBox virtual machine for using the tools presented in this course.
3 exercises will be handed out.