Section outline

  • Version Control
    Ralf Hemmecke (1 Unit)

    • General overview of Source Code Management Systems (SCM)
    • Version control with GIT
    • Online demonstration of basic GIT Commands

    Course Material:

    Exercise (due: 12-Dec-2013, 3 p.m. GMT):

    • Send your ssh public key as an attachment to Do this before the lecture starts, i.e. one week before this lecture starts.
      If you do not yet have a ssh key pair, create it by running
      ssh-keygen -t rsa -f $HOME/.ssh/gitolite -C YOURNAME@gitolite
      at the command line and send the file $HOME/.ssh/
    • Afte I've registered your key, you will get a mail with more details of how to clone the magicrings repository.
    • At the top of the file magicrings/magicrings.tex you will find a little task that will extend into a somewhat longer task after your first merge.
    • Note that you have to make yourself known to git first, by setting your full name and your email address.