
  • Computer-based Working Environments (326.008, WS 2012/2013)

    Place: Hagenberg seminar room (HA 105).
    Time: Blocked form (3 units a 45 min per block) October/November/December.

    Start: October 18, 2012, 10 am, Seminar room HA105, RISC, Hagenberg

    The first lecture will cover two units. The following lectures will cover 3 units a 45 min, with a break of 15 min.

    Next lecture:  October 25, 2012, 10 am, Seminar room HA105, RISC, Hagenberg

    Next lecture:  November 8, 2012, 10 am, Seminar room HA105, RISC, Hagenberg

    Next lecture:  November 15, 2012, 10 am, Seminar room HA105, RISC, Hagenberg

    This course gives a condensed introduction into the practical aspects of scientific working in computer-based environments, in this order:

    • Version Control (1 unit, RH)
    • Webpage creation (1 unit, RH)
    • Everyday Ubuntu Use (1 unit, KE)
    • Debian GNU/Linux (2 unit, KE)
    • Working on a command line I. (1 unit, KE)
    • Working on a command line II. (1 unit, KE)
    • Networking (1 unit, KE)
    • Remote login, remote desktops, SSH, VNC (2 units, KE)
    • Mailing (1 unit, KE)
    • Simple Image Processing and Drawing Figures (1 unit, KE)
    • Document preparation using LaTeX (1 unit, WW)
    • Mathematical Software (1 unit, WW)

    Grading is based on the elaboration of practical exercises.

    To take part in the course, you have to enrol in the KUSSS system. Since the exercises will be submitted via Moodle, you also have to login into Moodle and register as a course participant. You will then also receive per email all messages posted in the News forum.