Section outline

  • Computer-based Working Environments (326.008, WS 2012/2013)

    Place: Hagenberg seminar room (HA 105).
    Time: Blocked form (3 units a 45 min per block) October/November/December.

    Start: October 18, 2012, 10 am, Seminar room HA105, RISC, Hagenberg

    The first lecture will cover two units. The following lectures will cover 3 units a 45 min, with a break of 15 min.

    Next lecture:  October 25, 2012, 10 am, Seminar room HA105, RISC, Hagenberg

    Next lecture:  November 8, 2012, 10 am, Seminar room HA105, RISC, Hagenberg

    Next lecture:  November 15, 2012, 10 am, Seminar room HA105, RISC, Hagenberg

    This course gives a condensed introduction into the practical aspects of scientific working in computer-based environments, in this order:

    • Version Control (1 unit, RH)
    • Webpage creation (1 unit, RH)
    • Everyday Ubuntu Use (1 unit, KE)
    • Debian GNU/Linux (2 unit, KE)
    • Working on a command line I. (1 unit, KE)
    • Working on a command line II. (1 unit, KE)
    • Networking (1 unit, KE)
    • Remote login, remote desktops, SSH, VNC (2 units, KE)
    • Mailing (1 unit, KE)
    • Simple Image Processing and Drawing Figures (1 unit, KE)
    • Document preparation using LaTeX (1 unit, WW)
    • Mathematical Software (1 unit, WW)

    Grading is based on the elaboration of practical exercises.

    To take part in the course, you have to enrol in the KUSSS system. Since the exercises will be submitted via Moodle, you also have to login into Moodle and register as a course participant. You will then also receive per email all messages posted in the News forum.

  • Version Control
    Ralf Hemmecke (1 Unit)

    • General overview of Source Code Management Systems (SCM)
    • Version control with GIT
    • Online demonstration of basic GIT Commands

    Course Material:

    Exercise (due: 18-Nov-2012, 3 p.m. GMT):

    • If you are not able to successfully clone the magicrings repository, send your ssh public key ($HOME/.ssh/ as an attachment to Do this before the lecture starts, i.e. one week before this lecture starts.
      If you do not yet have such a file, create it by running
      ssh-keygen -t rsa
      at the command line and accept .ssh/id_rsa as the location for the key.
    • If I've registered your key, you can clone a repository via
      git clone
    • At the top of the file magicrings/magicrings.tex you will find a little task that will extend into a somewhat longer task after your first merge.
    • Note that you have to make yourself known to git first, by setting your full name and your email address.
  • Webpage generation

    Ralf Hemmecke (1 Unit)


    • General Remarks about web pages (HTML, CSS, static/dynamic)
    • Content Management Systems (CMS)
    • (WYSIWYG vs. raw) HTML editors
    • Creation of simple webpages including hyperlinks and pictures.
  • Everyday Ubuntu Use

    Károly Erdei (1 Unit, October 25, 2012)

    This is a live presentation how you can use Ubuntu Linux on a laptop for the everyday tasks.

    Slides:  Everyday Ubuntu use

    Exercise: None

  • Debian GNU/Linux
    Károly Erdei (2 units, October 25, 2012)


      • Computer Environment at RISC
      • Linux / Windows comparison
      • Structure of Linux
      • The Linux File System
      • Accounts
      • Permissions
      • File management
      • Editing
      • X Window System
      • GNOME

      Course material    

      Slides: Debian/GNU Linux Introduction


        Web Resources


        Exercise Linux   (deadline: November 18th, 2012)

      • Working on the command line
        Károly Erdei (2 units: November 8, 2012)

        • Introduction
        • Learning commands
          • see for detailed list of commands the slides
        • Installing Debian packages
        • User Accounts
        • Editing
        • Regular Expression
        • The Shell

        Course material:


        Exercise: Command line 2012

      • Document preparation using LaTeX
        Wolfgang Windsteiger

        • Basic handling, basic philosophy,
        • structuring documents,
        • writing text / writing mathematics,
        • macros / styles / packages,
        • tables,
        • including images,
        • table of contents, list of references, etc.
        • organizing bigger "projects",
        • environments supporting the generation of LaTeX source.

        If you are not already familiar with LaTeX, then

        Web Resources


        You have to solve the exercise and submit your solutions before the LaTeX class. In class, we will discuss your solutions.

      • Networking
        Károly Erdei (1 unit, Nov 15, 2012, 10am)

        • Computer networks
        • Internet
        • Ethernet
        • IP Protocol
        • TCP Protocol, Ports
        • DHCP
        • Check Network
        • Connecting Computers

        Course material

        Exercise: Networking

      • Mailing
        Károly Erdei (1 unit, November 15, 2012)

        • Overview mailing
        • Protocols
        • Spam
        • Fight Spam
        • Mozilla Thunderbird
        • Using GPGP

        Course Material:

        Exercise Mailing

      • Remote Login, Remote Desktops, Synchronous Communication
        Károly Erdei (2 units, November 15, 2012)

        • Remote login
        • File services (FTP, NFS)
        • Secure Shell
        • SSH tunneling
        • SSH public key authentication
        • VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
        • RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)

        Course material:


        Exercise: SSH-VNC-RDP

      • Simple Image Processing   and Drawing Figures 
        Károly Erdei  (1 Unit, Week NN, 2012)

        Simple Image Processing

        • Image, Image Processing
        • Basics of GIMP
        • Screenshots
        • Working with images in Latex

        Drawing Figures

        • Drawing figures with Xfig
          • Grid mode, compound figures, moving figures.
          • Exporting figures as .latex, .eps, .png
        • Alternatives:
          • Drawing figures with inkscape.
        • Including figures in LaTeX (.latex, .eps)

        Course material: 

        Slides: Image processing and Drawing figures

        Exercise: Simple Image Processing and Drawing figures