Section outline
326.013, Friday 8:30-11:00, Start: October 4, 2024, MT 226
This course is offered simultaneously for the master program "Computer Science" and for the master program "Computational Mathematics". It gives a survey on the use of formal methods for the development of reliable software. More specifically, we deal with
- specifying sequential programs and concurrent systems,
- computer-supported verification,
- extended static checking,
- model checking.
The course consists of two parts:
- a lecture part where the fundamental issues of the field are taught, and
- an exercise part where practical skills are trained using freely available software tools.
The grading of the course will be based on a couple of exercises and a final exam.
You have to create an account in this Moodle instance (using your email address) and self-register as a course participant (link "Enrol me in this course" at the top). You are then able to submit your assignments; furthermore, you receive per email all messages posted in the "Announcements" forum and may yourself post messages in the "Questions and Answers" forum.