Exercise 7. and 8. (the deadline is 30.04.2014)
Exercise 7 (Towers of Hanoi)
You must move all rings from the stick A to the stick C in the same order with the help of stick B, such that:
• You can move only one ring in one step from a stick to another
• You can put a ring only either on an empty stick or on a top of another ring whose diameter is bigger.
• The program prints out the movement of a ring in each step, e.g.: “Move the 3. ring from A to B!”
You should implement a recursive algorithm for the problem.
Exercise 8
Add to the class BinarySearchTree discussed on the class (download its source from here) a method
String search(int n)
which search n in the tree. The method returns the description, how to get to n.
Input: n = 11
Output: “Root: 16 Left 5 Right 10 Right 11”
Test the search() method!