Exercise Networking
Exercise for Networking
Please use gnome-nettool for the tasks (except task 4).
(You can use a terminal window and appropriate commands, too, if you prefer.)
1. Determine the MAC address of the ethernet interface of your laptop/PC at home.
2. Create a screen shot about the appropriate window.
3. Invoke the commands ping and traceroute to the host: www.uvivie.ac.at and create screen shots about the output.
4. Send to my RISC (not JKU!) email address a test email using the telnet program to connect to port 25 of the RISC mail server (this will probably work only from a RISC computer to the RISC mail server, not from your home network, (depending on your providers settings)).
5. Make a portscan to the host: www.univie.ac.at and make a screen shot about the output.
6. Create a latex-beamer presentation using the four screen shots made in tasks 2,3,5.
The title frame should contain:
- title: exercise networking
- your name
- as logo a small photo from you
7. Put the presentation to your RISC home directory into
/home/<yourlogin>/exercises/ as exercise-networking.pdf