Seminar Formal Methods and Automated Reasoning II (SS 2025)
326.063, Tuesday 16:30-18:00, HS 14, Start: March 4, 2025 (Zoom)The seminar may (partially) take place online in the following Zoom meeting:
Meeting-ID: 995 8531 3716 Password: ..fmsemThis seminar discusses techniques and tools for formal methods and/or automated reasoning such as formal specification languages, program verification systems, model checkers, interactive proof assistants, automated theorem provers, satisfiability solvers, decision procedures, etc. It continues the (previously separated) seminars on formal methods and automated reasoning (Theorema).
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- Introduction and Organization
- Viktoria Langenreither
- Julia Schuhmann
- Andrii Yurov
- Bruno Cvitkusic
- Liam Damian Smithers
- Temur Kutsia
- Maximilian Donnermair
- Wolfgang Schreiner
- Julia Schuhmann
- Andrii Yurov
- Bruno Cvitkusic
- Liam Damian Smithers