Section outline

  • Algebraic and Discrete Methods in Biology (326.007, SS 2009)

    Thursday, 13:45-15:15, HS 12.
    Start: March 6, 2009.

    Applications of symbolic (algebraic, logic, discrete) methods to biological problems attracts growing interest. Some of the examples are applications of Groebner bases in the reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks from experimental data; modeling and analysis of signal transduction and metabolic networks in mammalian cells using rewriting logic; modeling biochemical regulatory networks as boolean networks; applications of hybrid automata and cylindrical algebraic decomposition in systems biology; using temporal logics to formalize a set of biological properties such as reachability, checkpoints, stability or oscillations; application of difference equations in population dynamics, constraint solving techniques in molecular biology, etc.

    The course gives an overview of some of the methods from computer algebra and computational logic that can be (potentially) applied to biological problems. In particular, techniques and tools from automated reasoning, polynomial algebra, algorithmic combinatorics, formal methods will be discussed.

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