Section outline

  • The schedule is tentative and may be modified.

    Lectures in italics are mandatory for KV4 students but also strongly recommended to KV3 students.

    1. October 6: introduction and organization, the language of logic, the RISC Algorithm Language.
    2. October 13: the art of proving, the RISC ProofNavigator, specifying and verifying (part 1).
    3. October 20: specifying and verifying (part 1).
    4. October 27: specifying and verifying (part 1), the RISC ProgramExplorer.
    5. November 3: exponential distribution and its properties, poisson process, Markov chains, etc. (Sztrik).
    6. November 7, 16:15-19:45, S2 120 Markov-type queueing systems (M/M/1, M/M/n/n, M/M/1//n) and their investigations. (Sztrik).
    7. November 10: modeling tools, retrial queueing systems, case studies. (Sztrik).
    8. November 17: specifying and verifying (part 2), the RISC ProgramExplorer.
    9. November 24: JML (part 1), ESC/Java2.
    10. December 1: ESC/Java2, the Key Verifier.
    11. December 15: JML (part 2), modeling concurrent systems.
    12. January 12: specifying in temporal logic.
    13. January 19: the Spin model checker.
    14. January 26: automatic model checking, verifying safety properties by computer-supported proving.