This course deals with the formal modeling of concurrent systems such as parallel or multi-threaded programs, distributed hardware and software systems, mobile systems, etc.
- Lecturer: Wolfgang Schreiner
This course presents the major methods for defining the meaning of languages and programs (operational semantics, denotational semantics, axiomatic semantics) and discusses their relationship.
- Lecturer: Wolfgang Schreiner
In this course we discuss (as a continuation of the course "Programming 1") object-oriented programming in C++.
- Lecturer: Wolfgang Schreiner
This seminar discusses techniques and tools for formal methods and/or automated reasoning such as formal specification languages, program verification systems, model checkers, interactive proof assistants, automated theorem provers, satisfiability solvers, decision procedures, etc.
- Lecturer: Temur Kutsia
- Lecturer: Wolfgang Schreiner
- Lecturer: Wolfgang Windsteiger